Marketing. (9th Edition)
Theodore N. Beckman, William R. Davidson, and W. Wayne Talarzyk.
Marketing. (9th Edition) - USA, The Ronald Press Company. 1973 - 12292 .
1 copy available on shelf No. 2
Marketing. (9th Edition) The books objectives are to present a clear-cut picture of development and present status of the marketing system in the United States; to analyze critically the totality of the marketing process, the numerous and varied types of institutions performing the various essential functions, and these functions themselves; to examine the major policies that underlie the multifarious activities of marketing institutions....etc.
600 Technology (Applied Sciences)
658.8 BEC
Marketing. (9th Edition) - USA, The Ronald Press Company. 1973 - 12292 .
1 copy available on shelf No. 2
Marketing. (9th Edition) The books objectives are to present a clear-cut picture of development and present status of the marketing system in the United States; to analyze critically the totality of the marketing process, the numerous and varied types of institutions performing the various essential functions, and these functions themselves; to examine the major policies that underlie the multifarious activities of marketing institutions....etc.
600 Technology (Applied Sciences)
658.8 BEC