Resolving International Conflicts: The theory and practice of mediation. - USA, Lynne Rienner Publishers 1996 - 12549 .

17 copies available in shelf 1

Resolving International Conflicts: The theory and practice of mediation. The volume dwells on theory and practice of mediation in resolving International conflicts. The author concurs that there is dire need to increase our knowledge and understanding of how international and intranational armed conflicts can be resolved today. At no time in history have nations and peoples of the world been so interdependent. Technological advances in transportation and communication have had far-reaching effects bringing enormous benefits, but also causing new problems. National and international institutions still have great difficult in coping with the demands placed on them. The opportunities for ethnic conflicts, resource-based strife, and the consequences of conflict for more severe than ever before. A former US president, Jimmy carter, also concurs that the world must support the study of conflict situations and look for creative opportunities for their peaceful resolution. He believes that this volume is an important contribution to the field of conflict Resolution and that it provides scholarly insights and creative alternatives of interest to scholars and practitioners alike.

300 Social Science
