Genocide on Trial: War Crimes Trials and the Formation of Holocaust History and Memory - UK, OXford University Press, 2001 - 12530 .

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Genocide on Trial: War Crimes Trials and the Formation of Holocaust History and Memory Overall, this book is a study of a dynamic relationship between sections of society that each play a role in the formation of ``Collectives memory " or consciousness of the past. The three-way division of the book reflects different strands of that relationship. The first section charts and analyses the implementation of punishment policies. The second section develops the chain of consciousness as the past was re-presentated through the prism of the courtroom to the publics of the post-war world. The final section examines the connections between courtroom and posterity, between the practices of the lawyers and those of the professional inscribers of the past: historians. It might seem peculiar today, with the ``Shoah business" in rude health, to focus upon representatives of the Holocaust provided more than half a century. However, the crucible of the post-war years still has relevance.

300 Social Science
