Theory of machines:[a textbook for the students of B.E./B.Tech., U.P.S.C (Engg. Services ); Section 'B' of A.M.I.E.(I)]
Khurmi, R.S.
Theory of machines:[a textbook for the students of B.E./B.Tech., U.P.S.C (Engg. Services ); Section 'B' of A.M.I.E.(I)] - rev. multicolour illustrated ed. - Ram Nagar, New Delhi: S.Chand, 1996. - xii, 1071p.; 25cm
1. Mechanics , applied 2. Machinery
TJ170 / .K48
Theory of machines:[a textbook for the students of B.E./B.Tech., U.P.S.C (Engg. Services ); Section 'B' of A.M.I.E.(I)] - rev. multicolour illustrated ed. - Ram Nagar, New Delhi: S.Chand, 1996. - xii, 1071p.; 25cm
1. Mechanics , applied 2. Machinery
TJ170 / .K48